By opening a data0XX.bin file dumped from a P4G save using the vita save manager homebrew application. A PSVita or PSTV running Henkaku (to extract the save) What it does. Requirements: A Windows OS.Net Framework 4.6.1. Sorry about the buzzing mic, I still cannot figur. Special thanks to: TGE, ShrineFox, and Pan-Chan. I'm not corrupting any data by modifying the saves, just using the proggy here. Tutorial how to make pink New Game+ save file on Persona 4 Golden PC or Steam version using Tiny Fixes Mod.

Let me know if you've experienced this error and how you managed to solve it. I can try and keep going but it might take a long time to finish it and i'd love to try other games at some point in time before finishing this one. And i do have a backup of the former saves, even before having their stats modified. However if i quit it, i can reload the previously saved games without any issues up to the moment before Kanji appears. However, after googling this up i see that other ppl encountered this error, maybe even without modifying anything, so i'm thinking it's game related instead. Please confirm my supposition, i can correct the values if needed (for any character).

The only thing that i might have done to affect this outcome was to modify the save and probably affect something (i'm guessing relationships -> social link values). The game worked perfectly (saves and adventure included) up to a point (the day when Kanji Tatsumi presents himself on tv).Īfter that day, my saves disappeared and it's impossible for me to save the game (save failed), no matter how many times i try. After a cold shutdown and a restart, i could save past the point of no return

EDIT : it's simply the Henkaku "save game bug".